Home/parent’s corner/advocacy
Advocacy is a person’s action to support someone to make their voice heard or to speak up for themselves.
Knowing this means no other person can do that better than the parents, caregivers, or family for a child. The parents or caregivers are expected to advocate for the child in need.
We need to know what we are advocating for to advocate for someone. The most valuable way to advocate is if the parents or caregivers have the information needed to make the best decision for a particular matter.
All Steps Count advocates for parents to empower themselves by getting the information they need or to direct the parents or caregivers to where they may get the information they need.
ASC starts advocating with the family through the “Coaching Model” on their child’s development.
The most important information the parents need to know is how their child learns and how their health situation can challenge that learning process.
If you, as a parent, know your child’s health situation and how this situation impacts your child’s development in the short and long term, then you can understand the importance of knowing the best way for your child to learn.
At this point of knowledge, you have the What (my child has), Why (why this impacts my child’s development), and How (how my child learns).
With all these questions answered you will have enough information to advocate for your child’s needs in all areas.