

Every mother who is expecting a baby has a unique labor experience. It can not and will not be the same for any other woman; therefore, each should look up to their own expectations and needs.

Standing on the last mentioned point, every woman should be kind and fair to herself. Looking at yourself in the mirror and being honest with yourself is the first step to creating your own journey in your next childbirth process. 

Being honest means: I am afraid, I am calm, I need more information, I don’t need it, I know what I want, I don’t know what I want, what other questions I should have or answer for.

How this labor experience will impact me, my sexuality, motherhood, body, soul, daily routines, job, career, finances, emotions, and not least or less importantly, my relationship with my partner and my newborn.

Since these are a lot of questions, it is important to look for the answers, so Education on this matter is important. Childbirth Classes that will fill you with rich information are important.

These classes should cover topics such as labor process, informed medical procedures and practices.

Other classes could be Evidence-based practices, feeding, postpartum process, labor options, what a Doula is, and childbirth plan, among other relevant topics that provide information that can help the mother and the family to make informed decisions about the whole process.

 List of different childbirth classes:

– Lamaze: the most widely used method in the USA. These classes approach childbirth as a natural and healthy process.

– Bradley: Also called husband-coached birth, this method prepares the mother to deliver without pain medications and prepares the baby’s father to be the mom’s birth coach.

– Alexander’s method: The approach improves mothers ‘ ease and freedom of movement, balance, flexibility, and coordination.

– HypnoBirthing: also called Morgan method, the use of this method is a relaxed natural childbirth education approach enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques.

In conclusion, participating in any training mentioned above will benefit the mothers to experience smooth labor, and the result will be amazing.